Tuesday, November 17, 2009

MRI at 11:00 AM

Hey all....I don't know what to write. Jaren is having an MRI soon. They neuro-doctor came in and said he is very concerned about the parts of his brain that make him do involuntary things like breathing and swallowing etc. I feel your prayers, but I am feeling so sad right now. I've been keeping so strong. But I know miracles happen, and I can't help but hope for a really amazing one.

We'll know sometime after 1:00 the results from the MRI.

Please keep praying. I miss my baby so bad......I want to play with him and hold him. God's will work out for the best in our lives. I just don't know what it is yet, and I'm trying to stay strong while we wait to find out.

I'll I can ask for is prayers.......thank you soooooooooooo much!


The Grover's

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