Monday, November 16, 2009

Another Update

Let's see.....Jaren was taken off of both of his sedatives (sleep induced drugs) just after 9:00 this morning. They say that normal children would take 2 hours to start to move....or wake up a little bit. We've seen his eye-lids or eyes twitch which is good. They haven't had any response from his pupil or eyes really since we got that is really amazing. :)

His head is looking less swollen and same with his eyes. he's looking a little more like himself. I tried to put his little curl on the top of his head...but it looked like a funny we combed it back down.

Mostly we are just's pretty possible that he will have a spinal tap today to confirm that he has Meningitis....he is being treated as if he has it, but the confirmation will help lead us in other paths to hopefully get him over this sooner.

Thank you for your prayers and support. We know they are working because we are remaining very calm, and know that your prayers and faith are what are helping us.

Love you all,
The Grover's

Also, we have some cute pictures on the wall from cousins and uncles/aunts.....Jaren has some of his favorite toys and stuffed animals in his crib. And we've been spinning the wheels on his car that always entertains him for so long. :)

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