Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jaren--Our Precious Angel

We are at the PICU at Primary Children's hospital. Jaren is very ill. The doctors are suspecting he has Meningitis. They have run several tests on him and some test take a few days to get back. As for now he is being monitored very closely......he can't breath on his own and has 99% oxygen, IV's of all sorts etc. It's the worst thing I've ever seen. We are hoping that we can count on the faith of everyone together to help him. The doctors words were: 'It's not likely that he'll make it'....we are trying to stay positive and have faith. If he does make it, he will have some problems...mostly from brain damage. If you can, please fast and pray for him tomorrow. We know Heavenly Fathers will is the right way. We hope that whatever happens we can be happy. We are SOOO thankful that we have an eternal family. And that Jaren is always going to be ours. We love so much! We love you all and thank you for your prayers, support, and love. Thank you for the phone calls.

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